Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Motion Planning
Project | A* Route Finder (C++)
An A* route search implementation in C++ to find route between two points specified on a 2D map. A* is a informed search algorithm popular in motion planning to find paths in low dimension C-space. The project uses data from the OpenStreetMap project and IO2D library.
Project | A* and Variant in OPENRAVE(Python)
In this project, a mobile robot path planning problem is simulated in OPENRAVE simulation environment. Path planning is done using A* and a variant of A* called AN*. OPENRAVE is a powerful simulation environment which can be used for testing, developing, and deploying motion planning algorithms in real-world applications.
Project | Hierarchical A*-RRT* based 7DOF Manipulator Path Planner(Python)
For high dimension C-space motion planning, sampling-based planners are quite popular as deterministic grid-based planners do not computationally scale well with high dimensional space. In this project, a grid-based planner is combined with a sampling-based planner for a 7DOF manipulator motion planning problem. A* is used to search the 3-D workspace of the manipulator end-effector to find a path for the end-effector position only. The found path is used to initialize an RRT* based planner which iteratively improves the path and is shown in the literature to find the optimal path for an infinite time horizon.